11. The Altar and a special look at the ‘Burn’ with Psychiatric healing in Worship. (Download  pending) 


An Altar is often mostly understood to be the physical structure used as a focal piece of furniture in religious rituals but its definition stretches beyond that to one of spiritual significance….

An Altar is a fixed or regular and geographical place specially set aside for us to physically lay our lives down to God in worship. When we have such a place in our lives it can create an effect called the ‘burn’ which is to say the regular ‘burning away’ of sin and its influence upon our lives. 

Significantly various ‘burnt offerings’ were always given in the old testament on or at an altar symbolizing God’s way of dealing with the sins of the people at that time.


These downloads are collections of choice excerpts from the corresponding chapter of the publication ‘ Just Worship ! ‘.

Details of how to obtain copies will be available on our Home page from December  2023.